The 2022 French presidential election is only two months away, with a whopping 39 (!) candidates in the running. How do French voters sort through 39 candidates? It’s a two-round election, scheduled April 10th for all 39 participants and then April 24th for the top two vote-getters. Four of those 39 candidates are polling in […]
Like the United States, contemporary France is a divided and troubled country. France has an election coming up in 2022. One of the candidates is Eric Zemmour, who is not even a politician, but an intellectual and pundit. Zemmour says he wants to save France and shut down immigration. The candidate has been likened to […]
On September 27th, 2021, Mexico celebrated its bicentennial of independence. That’s distinct from the bicentennial/centennial celebration of 2010, which celebrated the bicentennial of the beginning of the movement that developed into the independence movement, and the centennial of the Mexican Revolution. The September 27th date is the bicentennial of the entry into Mexico City of […]
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Current U.S. immigration policy is a disaster, for many reasons. Of course, our Mainstream Media is biased on the issue, and doesn’t talk about Americans who suffer because of our immigration policy. But the U.S. isn’t the only country with bad immigration policies. A number of Western countries have these problems, such as France. But […]
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The United States is not the only country dealing with immigration, multiculturalism, and leaders who can’t or won’t solve defend their nation. In France, for example, the situation is so bad that a number of retired military personnel (including retired generals and other officers) have addressed an open letter to the government, warning of possible […]
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The recent Big Tech crackdown on free speech on the internet, which included the expulsion of Trump from Twitter, has not gone unnoticed among world leaders. For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published January 16th, 2021, on VDARE.COM.
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You might say that the English Channel made England. The English Channel is the body of water separating England from Europe, and is important culturally and militarily in the history of England. Now the English Channel is where illegal aliens cross from France to England. PM Boris Johnson and company had better get control of […]
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The World Cup is the world’s biggest sports competition, watched by more viewers than the Olympics. Like the Olympics, the World Cup is held every four years (but not the same year). The latest Olympic Games were held in 2016. This year,2018. the World Cup was held in Russia. The World Cup is a big […]