On November 24th, near the San Ysidro port of entry, more than 100 hostile aliens attacked the border patrol with water bottles and rocks (which can be deadly, by the way). What are the ramifications of this incident? For the entire blog entry, click here . Blog entry by Allan Wall, published on VDARE.COM , on November […]
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The magazine Condé Nast Traveler, in its annual readers’ poll, named Mexico’s San Miguel de Allende as the top city of the world in 2013. For entire article, click here . Article by Allan Wall, published November 25th, 2013, on Mexidata.info .
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The future of Mexico’s state-owned petroleum monopoly PEMEX (Petróleos Mexicanos) is under consideration in Mexico. It might be valuable to compare and contrast PEMEX with other state oil companies worldwide. Most oil worldwide is controlled by state-owned oil companies. Most of them allow forms of private investment and partnership with private companies. With PEMEX, on the […]
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Today is Veterans Day. Mexico has the biggest contingent of retired U.S. military veterans residing outside the United States. For the entire article, click here. Article by Allan Wall, published November 11th, 2013, on Mexidata.info.
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The management of taxation is a difficult thing in any country. It involves a number of competing interests, trade-offs and compromises. Who do you tax, how do you tax, which sectors are to be taxed? Is taxation merely a form of government revenue collection or is it also to be used as a method of social engineering? […]
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