The individual at the center of the “2019 College Admissions Bribery Scandal” is William “Rick” Singer. Singer helped applicants get into elite colleges by using bribery and fraud. But one of the less-publicized methods that Singer used was to counsel white applicants to identify as minorities, thus helping their chances of getting into college. But […]

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Guatemala is having a presidential election, and there are many candidates. A presidential debate was recently held in Los Angeles, California, on U.S. soil. Why not? The U.S. is becoming a colony of Latin America. For the entire article, click here. Article by Allan Wall, published May 27, 2019, on VDARE.COM.

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President Trump has failed to secure the U.S. border with Mexico. I hate to say it, but it’s true. Yes, I know there are a many forces in our elite society working against Trump – the media, the Democrats, some of our federal judges, some people in his own administration. But Trump has not handled […]

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Trump’s America is being invaded by Central Americans, and Breitbart’s Neil Munro reports what it’s like in the towns back in Guatemala, where so many people are leaving. That of course, affects life back in those towns and encourages more emigration. Since September of 2018, one percent of the population of Guatemala has emigrated to […]

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Allan on May 22nd, 2019

The U.S.-Mexican border is a dangerous place for children. They can be kidnapped, or simply utilized to help illegal aliens get into the country and not be deported. This encourages more border crossers to use them and thus puts the children in more danger. Some are even being rented as props to get across the […]

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Here are two related National Question related items from the Catholic Church. Pope Francis will not meet with Italy’s Deputy Prime Minister/Interior Minister Matteo Salvini. Interesting comments from Cardinal Raymond Burke. For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published May 17th, 2019, on VDARE.COM.

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Allan on May 19th, 2019

On April 28th, 2019, Spain held an election. No party won a majority, but the incumbent PSOE (Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party) won a plurality. In fifth place was the right-wing traditionalist nationalist party Vox, which got 10.3 percent of the vote and broke into Spain’s lower house of parliament, seating 24 representatives. Vox is an […]

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Allan on May 17th, 2019

Chick-fil-A is a fast food chain that sells chicken sandwiches, and very good ones, in my opinion and that of many others. Chick-fil-A is under fire from Homosexual activists.   Why? Well, back in 2012, they were also under fire, so Chick-fil-A chickened out and did most of what the activists wanted them to do. But […]

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Allan on May 16th, 2019

Republicans been told that they can’t be restrictive on immigration because of the Hispanic Vote. Most Hispanics aren’t going to vote for the GOP no matter what the party does. But even in the Trump Era, there is a significant minority of the Hispanic Vote that does vote Republican. For the entire article, click here. […]

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This Said in Spanish report contains seven items from Mexico, most of them about the “caravans”. The seven items: I. President AMLO says the Central American migrants must be registered in Mexico. II. AMLO still refuses to criticize Trump. III.Pope giving Mexican Catholic Church Half a Million Dollars to Help Migrants. IV. Mexican Interior Minister […]

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