Allan on November 28th, 2018

The latest installment of Said in Spanish deals with the topic of the Caravan.   There are five topics: 1.  The Governor of Baja California asks Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto for help. 2.  Mexico Complains about the Tear Gas 3.  Honduras Complains about the Rubber Bullets 4.  Mexican Human Rights Commission on Honduran Border Havoc […]

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Allan on November 19th, 2018

The Honduran “caravan” has arrived to Tijuana, a Mexico city on the border, across from San Diego. And there have been protests, as many Tijuana residents oppose the presence of the Hondurans, who, they fear, will wind up staying in Tijuana. So what should the United States do?  Why won’t we really secure our border?  […]

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Steve Russell recently lost a bid at re-election to Congress from the Fifth District of Oklahoma.  What went wrong for the Russell Campaign? Well, soon-to-be former congressman Russell has an explanation on Facebook. To read the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published Nov. 17th, 2018, on VDARE.COM.

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Allan on November 17th, 2018

Mexicans in Tijuana protested at a camp of Honduran migrants right on the border.    They complain about the adverse effects of Honduran migrants on  security and employment. Wow, sounds like American complaints about immigration. For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published November 16th, 2018, on VDARE.COM.

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As a result of the recent midterms, Oklahoma is losing its all-Republican congressional delegation.    Representative Steve Russell of District Five was defeated by a Democrat. For the entire article, click here. Article by Allan Wall, published November 14th, 2018, on VDARE.COM.

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The 2018 midterms saw victories for both parties, with the Democrats seizing the House and the Republicans maintaining the Senate. The media was swift to publicize some historic firsts, while Breitbart pointed out the influence of large populations of foreign-born voters. For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published November […]

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Allan on November 5th, 2018

Mid-terms are scheduled for November 6th.  It’s time to get out and vote for Republican candidates for Congress.   If you support Donald Trump’s agenda, you need to vote for Republicans in Congress to help President Trump. Vote GOP on November 6th! For the entire article, click here. Article by Allan Wall, published November 2nd on […]

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Allan on November 4th, 2018

On November 1st, President Trump delivered a speech in Missouri at the Columbia Regional Airport near Columbia, Missouri. I was in attendance at this rally, which was held in and in front of a hangar.   It was another great Trump speech. For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published […]

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On October 27th, President Donald Trump addressed the final session of the National FFA Convention in the city of Indianapolis.   It was a good speech and well-received by the audience.   I was part of the audience and my younger son was actually onstage with President Trump. For the entire blog entry, click, here. Blog entry […]

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