It’s Christmastime, and some people are politicizing the holiday to guilt trip Americans into feeling bad for supporting border security. Beware of this trick. For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published December 24th, 2018. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
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We need a wall on the U.S.-Mexican border. One way is to have the U.S. Military build it. Why not? Isn’t it the military’s job to protect the country? The U.S. military could construct a wall, or fence or some kind of barrier on the border. When I was in Iraq in 2005, I was […]
The University of Ghana, in Africa, had a statue of Mohandes K. Gandhi, the famed Indian independence leader. But they’ve taken it down, in the middle of the night, after discovering Gandhi’s views of black Africans. Wow, does this mean that the world is more complex than the Mainstream Media presents it? For the entire […]
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The U.S. and Mexican governments have announced that the U.S. is giving 10 billion dollars (for starters) to Mexico and Central America. It seems to be the beginning of Mexican President AMLO’s vision of an international aid program mostly funded by the United States. The goal of the 10 billion dollars is to aid development […]
Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, or AMLO, Mexico’s President since December 1st, continues to refrain from speaking ill of President Trump. On December 12th, the two presidents spoke by phone. (It had to be with translation help, as neither speaks the other’s language). In a press conference on December 13th, four reporters asked about Trump, but […]
Many of us have admired Japan’s tight immigration policy, which protects its own people rather than flooding the country with foreigners working cheaper. Japan wants to remain Japanese. But could that change ? reports that Japan passed a law that could bring in over a quarter million workers. For the entire blog entry, click […]
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Andres Manuel Lopez Obrdor, known by the acronym AMLO, formed by his initials, became President of Mexico on December 1st. I wish AMLO well. AMLO is very ambitious, and believes that his new administration is ushering in the “Fourth Transformation” of Mexican history. So far, President Lopez Obrador has a good relationship with Trump. As […]
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The supposed need for more agricultural laborers has, since the days of slavery, been a major justification for the use of cheap labor. In the long run though “cheap labor” is anything but cheap. As agriculture continues to be mechanized/automatized/robotized, this excuse is less and less valid, if it ever was. Even the New York Times is […]
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On December 1st, 2018, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, known as AMLO, began his term as President of Mexico. I wish you the best, President Lopez Obrador. To read the entire article, click here. Article by Allan Wall, published December 3rd, 2018, on .
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