The NGO Human Rights Watch has published a scathing criticism of Mexican President AMLO’s handling of the coronavirus. It’s not that the Mexican government isn’t doing anything, it is. Presidente AMLO, however, doesn’t seem to take it seriously. For the entry blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published March 29th, 2020, on […]
The U>S.-Mexico border is considered closed to “nonessential” travel. How does one define “nonessential” travel. And how tight is the border, really? For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published March 23, 2020, on VDARE.COM.
I sent in a memo from Mexico regarding coronavirus. For the entire article, click here. Article by Allan Wall, published March 21st, 2020, on VDARE.COM.
Coronavirus is spreading in Latin America, and Mexico and El Salvador had a dustup over it. To read the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published March 17th, 2020 on VDARE.COM. NOTE: At the top, in the graphic, the question “Mexico Spreading Coronavirus?” is asked. Actually, the accusation was that in […]
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Coronavirus (COVID-19) is in Latin America too, but not as many cases as in the United States, at least not yet. But Latin American nations are working to contain the situation and protect their people. And they are not relying on international organizations but on their own national sovereignty. For the entire article, click here. […]
This time around, Bernie Sanders is doing well among Latinos. Check out Bernie’s Latino advisors, which include Chuck Rocha, a self-styled “Mexican Redneck” who doesn’t speak Spanish well, and some illegal aliens. For the entire article, click here. Article published March 6th, 2020, on VDARE.COM. NOTE: In the photograph at the top of the article, […]
Two and a half millenia ago the Greeks resisted Persian invasions from the east. Now, in 2020, Greeks are resisting the invasion from the east of so-called “refugees”. For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published March 1st, 2020, on VDARE.COM.