Election Day is nearing, and it could be close. The attacks on Trump continue. And that’s totally understandable. Of course leftists, globalists and anti-Americans would oppose a Trump candidacy. I totally get that. What’s harder to explain is the bitter opposition to Trump among some Republicans, conservatives, constitutionalists and Christians. What’s going on here? For the […]
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My latest Said in Spanish article reports on a meddling Mexican governor in California, anti-Trump Mexican music stars and New York Times editorial in two languages. For the entire article, click here. Article by Allan Wall, published October 27th, 2016, on VDARE.COM.
In the past two debates, Hillary Clinton has expressed her shock at purported Russian meddling in a U.S. election, claiming that foreign intervention in a U.S. election has never occurred before. On the other hand, Hillary apparently has no problem with Mexican intervention to help her in the election. Mexican singer Vicente Fernandez has a […]
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Donald Trump, to his credit, is running an English-only campaign, which means no ads in Spanish and no website en español. With Hillary, of course, that’s not the case, and the Spanish section of her “Hillary for America” website is quite informative, as it shows us what she wants to emphasize to Spanish-speaking voters about her immigration policies. […]
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The American voter registration system is a shambles, and easily facilitates voter fraud. Is it a big enough problem to affect the outcome of the 2016 election? Note that Democrats get hysterical whenever a state tries to enact tighter voter registration procedures. Hmm, why is that? We ought to look at Mexico’s superior voter registration […]
The Pew Research Center has released a political survey of Hispanics. There’s a lot there. The main message is that Hispanic political attitudes aren’t that different than they were four years ago. As far as the election, according to the Pew poll, of Latino registered voters, 58% are for Clinton with only 19% for […]
Hillary Cinton got some mileage in the first debate by recounting the saga of Alicia Machado, who was so persecuted by Donald Trump when she was Miss Universe two decades ago. But consider that Alicia Machado is from Venezuela, and went through the Venezuela beauty academy system. Seriously, was anything Donald Trump said to her […]
Don’t suppose that simply because Obama has just a few more months to go in office, that he considers himself a “lame duck”. On the contrary, it looks like Obama plans to keep on transforming America until his term ends. And why not, the Republican-led Congress almost always lets him have his way. Now […]
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Mexico is a great tourist destination, there is so much to see and do there. Over the years I have certainly enjoyed visiting various parts of Mexico. The United Nations World Tourism Organization has a document with world tourism statistics for 2015, which shows that Mexico was #9 in the world on the list of […]
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Both major political parties have taken to the production of Spanish-language campaign ads. I totally disagree with this. Campaigns should be run in English. It’s the language of our country. Campaigning in Spanish further balkanizes our nation and allows candidates to say or at least emphasize one thing in one language and another thing […]
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