The Mainstream Media (see New York Times and Washington Post) say the immigration enforcement raids are sowing fear among immigrants. By “immigrants”  they mean  illegal aliens and their families. So what’s wrong with that?  Shouldn’t they be afraid?   Is the law finally being enforced? For the entire article, click here. Article published February 26th, […]

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Among those who oppose a border wall/fence/barrier, one argument is that it would be too expensive. To counter this argument, the Center for Immigration Studies now has a useful study available on its website, entitled The Cost of a Border Wall vs. the Cost of Illegal Immigration, by Steven A. Camarota. Camarota shows that even […]

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The voter registration system in most states of the U.S. is slipshod and it’s not surprising that there may be many non-citizens voting. We should adopt a voter registration system like Mexico, which is quite good. Now, the Washington Times shows new evidence of the likelihood that this is a serious problem. For the entire […]

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Several responses to the Donald Trump Presidency are occurring  in Mexico simultaneously. There were anti-Trump marches on February 12th in which tens of thousands marched against Trump. Jorge Castaneda and others have another plan to sabotage the Trump Agenda – jam the U.S. immigrations courts. At the same time, Mexico is preparing to receive more […]

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Allan on February 16th, 2017

Where will U.S.-Mexican relations go in the age of Donald Trump, the newly-inaugurated President of the United States? For the entire article, click here. Article by Allan Wall, published February 13th, 2017 on

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Allan on February 13th, 2017

Pinch me, is this a dream? Is immigration law actually being enforced? The Washington Post and New York Times report the detention of many illegal aliens throughout the country. Isn’t that what immigration officials are supposed to do? For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry published February 13th, 2017, on VDARE.COM.

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