The latest installment of Said in Spanish, with three topics: 1. La Opinión  warns illegal aliens, tells them how to avoid their chance of being detained. 2. Mexico’s Excelsior on Spanish in the U.S. 3. From the Costa Rican media, Costa Ricans vs. Nicaraguan immigrants. For the entire article, click here. Article by Allan Wall, […]

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Allan on August 26th, 2018

On July 1st, the winner of the Mexican presidential election was Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, known by the acronym AMLO, formed by his four initials. AMLO is scheduled to take office on December 1st. How will AMLO get along with U.S. President Donald Trump?  That’s an interesting question. Since AMLO won, things have gone well.  […]

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Allan on August 21st, 2018

The World Cup is the world’s biggest sports competition, watched by more viewers than the Olympics.   Like the Olympics, the World Cup is held every four years (but not the same year).    The latest Olympic Games were held in 2016.   This year,2018.  the World Cup was held in Russia. The World Cup is a big […]

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The latest Said in Spanish series discusses: 1. The Mexican Foreign Ministry complains about a group of Americans protesting in front of a Mexican consulate. 2. A concert tour to allow some DREAMers in for free. 3. Flyers scare off employees and customers of a Mexican restaurant. 4. Carlos Sada visits California. 5.  A Latino […]

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Southwest Kansas has seen a massive demographic shift, with a huge influx of Spanish-speakers.  There are so many that the Spanish language has influenced the pronunciation of English speakers. According to a Kansas State University research team,  the pronunciation of  young English speakers in Southwest Kansas has been influenced by the Spanish sound system.  There’s […]

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The public charge law concept has been part of our country since the 1600s, but it’s mostly been ignored recently. The purpose of public charge law is to prevent immigrants being on the dole and being a public charge.  Why should we select immigrants that  go on the dole? Today, many immigrants are on welfare. […]

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Allan on August 13th, 2018

Amidst all the hysteria over Russian meddling, Tucker Carlson pointed out that Mexico meddles, which I’ve been pointing out for years. Mexico meddled in the 2016 election and tried to defeat Trump, for example. Yet where is the outcry? For the entire article, click here. Article by Allan Wall, published August 12th, 2018, on VDARE.COM.

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Our family recently returned from our annual summer visit to Mexico, which coincided with the Mexican election. Mexico has a very good voter registration system.  It’s better than ours. Gated communities are a big thing in the metropolitan area where we were. We also had some mechanical work done on the car. For the entire […]

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Allan on August 6th, 2018

We recently returned from our summer visit to Mexico, which  coincided with the 2018 Mexican election, in which my wife voted. For the entire article, click here. Article by Allan Wall, published August 6th, 2018 on

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The Washington Times reports more evidence of how untrustworthy American voter registration is, with an article entitled Noncitizens across U.S. find it easy to register to vote, cast ballots. Why can’t we emulate Mexico’s voter registration system? For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published August 3rd, 2018, on VDARE.COM.

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