Mexico City has a first-rate urban park known as the Bosque de Chapultepec, or Forest of Chapultepec, a destination for both international tourism and local recreation. Chapultepec is a living historical monument to major developments in the history of Mexico. And it’s popular, receiving about 15 million visitors annually. Formerly on the outskirts, the park is […]
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Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto has completed nearly five months of his presidency, and the question of security and the ongoing drug war violence are not going away. Analyzing the violence statistics and finding trends is not easy. Plus, there’s the political factor. For the entire article, click here. Article by Allan Wall, published April […]
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Mexico is often presented both by its defenders and its detractors (for different reasons) as a poverty-stricken country. Well, Mexico is poor compared to the United States. But it’s not a poor country by world standards. And there are plenty of wealthy Mexicans, including many millionaires. And even some billionaires (dollars, not pesos). Forbes Magazine annually […]
“The University of Texas will change its colors to maroon and white before Texas goes purple, much less blue,” Gov. Rick Perry has claimed. Perry, and indeed many Texans, seem confident that it won’t happen, but if present demographic trends continue, can Texas avoid turning Democratic? Consider what this would mean. Texas has 38 electoral […]
From the perspective of the National Question, the 2012 election was a real bummer. By the time one voted on November 6th, what were the options, really? Vote for Mitt Romney, as many of us did, and hope for the best. Or vote for some third party candidate who’d get a microscopic portion of the […]
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Lawrence Auster passed away on March 29th, 2013, in Pennsylvania. Auster was a great influence on many of us. Lawrence Auster’s ongoing project was the construction of a principle-based conservatism based on the multi-leveled nature of our nation and civilization. Reading Auster’s website, View from the Right, was a truly educational experience. The good thing is that […]