Daily Mail
One of our country’s most insane policies is that of automatic birthright citizenship for babies born to illegal aliens on U.S. soil. People in the Third World certainly know about this policy and take advantage of it. The policy’s defenders assert that it’s in the Constitution and it would be a great injustice to change. […]
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Australia is a fellow Anglosphere nation in the Southern Hemisphere. It is roughly the size of the lower 48 with a similar level of economic development. In recent decades, Australia has taken in high levels of immigration. Currently, 30% of the country’s residents are foreign-born – twice the U.S. percentage. For the entire blog […]
If you look at the big picture, you see that the Biden Border Rush is continuing. But it’s diversifying. The Biden administration is transforming the ways by which they can bring in more foreigners and projecting an aura of false legality over much of it. To see the entire blog entry click here. Blog entry by […]
On the morning of May 12, Mexican president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) held his usual morning press conference. It was a real tour de force, the main, recurring theme was the U.S. National Question as interpreted by the Mexican government. AMLO, with sidekick Marcelo Ebrard, and some eager reporters, bashed Republicans(including a sitting governor, […]
Mexico City was founded as Tenochtitlan in 1325 by the Aztecs and destroyed by the Spaniards and Indian allies in 1521. The Spaniards built a new city above the rubble. Therefore, when you dig down under the city you find the Aztec structures. Right off downtown Mexico’s City’s Zocalo Plaza is the Templo Mayor, site […]
I’ve written two blog entries about Dr. Ian Cushing, a British professor who trains teachers, who proclaims that the way schools teach vocabulary is racist. The first article is here, published October 11th, 2022. The second is here, published December 12th, 2022. Both published on the VDARECOM website.
Congratulations to Todd Bensman of the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS). On September 22nd, Bensman had an article published on the website of the UK-based Daily Mail, which sometimes covers U.S. news better than U.S. media outlets. The article is about the current state of our southern border. For the entire blog entry (about the […]
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The recent Haitian invasion of Del Rio, Texas, was not launched from Haiti. It was carried out by Haitians who have been out of their home country for a decade. For the entire block entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published September 24th, 2021, on VDARE.COM.
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Government stats show it – the Biden Border Rush has surpassed the highest number of border crosses recorded during the Trump administration. And it’s still early in the Biden Administration. For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published May 14th, 2021, on US Incorporated.
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It’s good to hear of a triumph for Freedom of Speech from Across the Pond. For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published December 20th, 2020, on VDARE.COM.
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