Rio Grande

This installment of Said in Spanish has 9 items: 1. Alicia Barcena visits D.C. 2. Ken Salazar on the Buoys 3. Mexican Presidential Candidate Promotes Dual Citizenship in New York City 4. From January to July, 6 million illegals entered Mexico 5. Biden Administration Donates Vehicles to Mexico’s Grupo Beta 6. Nine-year old girl rescued […]

Continue reading about SAID IN SPANISH: Foreign Minister Barcena Boosts Mexican Fifth Column On D.C. Visit; Biden Regime Donates Vehicles To Help Mexico Rescue Illegals; 154 Non-Hispanic Illegals Arrested In One Border Town; Etc.!

Allan on December 5th, 2023

On June 8th, 2023, it was announced that the state of Texas was installing an “inflatable border”, floating barriers, on the Rio Grande. For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published June 9th, 2023, on VDARE.COM.

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Delia Ramirez was elected to Congress and is scheduled to start her term in a few days. She is an Anchor Baby whose mother illegally immigrated here from Guatemala while pregnant with her. She is married to a so-called “DREAMer”. And she has been elected to Congress ans is about to start her term. For […]

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As the Biden Border Rush continues with the full connivance of our government, people continue to suffer, including the illegal aliens themselves, who are being used as pawns in a globalist strategy. For the entire blog entry, click here. Article by Allan Wall, published May 5th, 2022, on US Incorporated.

Continue reading about Drownings in the Rio Grande, Gangs Kidnapping Illegals from Other Gangs, Haitian Maritime Route to Florida

Allan on April 15th, 2022

The Biden Border Rush continues and looks to get even worse with the scheduled termination of Title 42 on May 23 (as if it’s not bad enough already). The administration of Texas Governor Greg Abbott is fighting back with Operation Lone Star and is creating Texas’ own border policy. Drastic times call for drastic measures. […]

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My wife and son and I recently went to the border and saw the segments of the border barrier. If only the border wall could be completed. Too bad our current administration has a different policy. For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published August 6th, 2021, on US Incorporated.

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Government stats show it – the Biden Border Rush has surpassed the highest number of border crosses recorded during the Trump administration. And it’s still early in the Biden Administration. For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published May 14th, 2021, on US Incorporated.

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Said in Spanish latest installment: 1. Latest Migrant “Caravan” Gets Stopped in Guatemala 2. AMLO’s comments on caravan and best wishes for the Trumps 3. Telemundo’s Debate Surveys 4. Birth Tourism Scam Really a Scam on U.S. Taxpayers 5. Pregnant Woman Tries to Swim Rio Grande 6. Cubans Hire Smugglers to Take them to U.S., […]

Continue reading about Said in Spanish: The Latest Caravan, AMLO, Telemundo, Birth Tourism Scam, Pregnant Woman Tries to Swim the Rio Grande, Cubans Hire Smugglers To Smuggle Them to U.S. and Get Smuggled to Mexico

Allan on May 28th, 2020

You might say that the English Channel made England. The English Channel is the body of water separating England from Europe, and is important culturally and militarily in the history of England. Now the English Channel is where illegal aliens cross from France to England. PM Boris Johnson and company had better get control of […]

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