New York State

The website, founded by Peter Brimelow, has been on the internet since 1999. VDARE deals with immigration (legal and illegal), national identity, ethnic identity politics, race and crime, and related topics; especially aspects of these matters that are excluded by the Mainstream Media. That’s why VDARE is under attack and is currently in imminent […]

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Allan on February 1st, 2024

American public schools face many problems. As a public school teacher myself, I’m well aware of that. And, as if all these problems weren’t enough, our schools are being inundated with foreign students thanks to the Biden Border Invasion. For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published January 22nd, 2024, […]

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Allan on December 10th, 2023

This blog entry is about five border topics: 1. Biden Administration and Wallbuilding 2. Venezuelans 3. Mexico Help 4. Democrats 5. The Flow of MigrantsFor the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published October 10th, 2023, on Border Hawk Blog.

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Allan on October 11th, 2022

New York City Mayor Eric Adams is upset.   The Big Apple is near the “breaking point.” It’s suffering a “humanitarian crisis.” “This is unsustainable,” says the mayor. On October 7, Mayor Adams declared a state of emergency. What’s the crisis? Illegal aliens are being bussed to New York City by Republican Texas Governor Greg […]

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On May 14th, there was a terrible tragedy in Buffalo, New York. Eighteen-year-old Payton Gendron went to a Tops grocery store and shot 13 people, 10 of whom died. Gendron is white. Eleven victims were black. We extend our condolences to all those who lost family members and friends. Almost immediately, the tragedy was publicized […]

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