Migrant "Caravans"

This blog entry discusses the latest caravan and what the Biden Administration promised at the Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles. For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published June 14th, 2022, on US Incorporated.

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On June 6, 2022, the Washington Examiner reported that a new caravan departed from Tapachula, a Mexican city near the Guatemalan border, with the goal of marching across Mexico and entering the United States. Why now? To read the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published June 8th, 2022, on US […]

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In Central America, they think Trump is on his way out, and new “caravans” are already being organized in Honduras to travel all the way to the United States. For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published December 10th, 2020, on VDARE.COM.

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Said in Spanish latest installment: 1. Latest Migrant “Caravan” Gets Stopped in Guatemala 2. AMLO’s comments on caravan and best wishes for the Trumps 3. Telemundo’s Debate Surveys 4. Birth Tourism Scam Really a Scam on U.S. Taxpayers 5. Pregnant Woman Tries to Swim Rio Grande 6. Cubans Hire Smugglers to Take them to U.S., […]

Continue reading about Said in Spanish: The Latest Caravan, AMLO, Telemundo, Birth Tourism Scam, Pregnant Woman Tries to Swim the Rio Grande, Cubans Hire Smugglers To Smuggle Them to U.S. and Get Smuggled to Mexico

A new migrant caravan, this one mostly composed of Haitians and Cubans with apparently some Central Americans, departed Tapachula, Mexico, with hopes of arriving to the United States. But by the time they’d traveled about 20 miles, they were stopped cold by Mexican security forces. For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by […]

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