Haitians In Mexico

The latest installment of Said in Spanish. Topics of this article: 1. Mexico still a Thoroughfare for the Biden Border Rush. 2. Non-Mexicans Packed into Trailers. 3. Asylum Requests in Mexico. 4. Ebrard and Mexican Consulates in the U.S. 5. Pregnant Woman Fails to Cross Rio Grande, gets trapped on a little island. 6. Elvira […]

Continue reading about Said in Spanish: Non-Mexicans Passing Through Mexico; Asylum Requests in Mexico; Ebrard and Mexican Consulates; Pregnant Woman Fails to Cross River; Elvira Arellano; Remittances

Here is the latest installment of Said in Spanish: 1. Blinken, Mayorkas and Garland Visit Mexico 2. Illegals Smuggled by Trucks in Mexico 3. Illegals Smuggled by Truck in Guatemala 4. Illegals Deported from Mexico 5. Tucker CarlsonFor the entire article, click here. Article by Allan Wall, published October 11th, 2021, on VDARE.COM.

Continue reading about Said in Spanish: Blinken,Mayorkas and Garland in Mexico, Ilegals in Mexico, Illegals in Guatemala, Mexican Deportation, Tucker Carlson

This Said in Spanish segment has five subjects: 1. Arrival of Afghan refugees to Mexico 2. Haitian illegals in Mexico 3. AMLO and 500th Anniversary of Tenochtitlan 4. Ken Salazar, new U.S ambassador to Mexico 5. Migrant Covid deaths in Mexico. For the entire article, click here.Article by Allan Wall, published August 27th, 2021, on […]

Continue reading about Said in Spanish: Afghans and Haitians in Mexico, New U.S. Ambassador to Mexico, Migrants in Mexico Dying of COVID, 500th Anniversary of the Fall of Tenochtitlan

A new migrant caravan, this one mostly composed of Haitians and Cubans with apparently some Central Americans, departed Tapachula, Mexico, with hopes of arriving to the United States. But by the time they’d traveled about 20 miles, they were stopped cold by Mexican security forces. For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by […]

Continue reading about New Caravan Starts from Tapachula, Mexico. Stopped by Mexican Security Forces.