Columba is the Mexican-born wife of Jeb Bush. It’s hoped that she will help her husband win a bigger chunk of that elusive-but-just-around-the-corner Hispanic vote. And if Jeb wins, she would be the first Hispanic First Lady.
We’re also told that Columba is a very private person, hates politics, and is not comfortable speaking English.
It’s not my interest to attack Columba. I personally don’t think it’s bad if a politician’s wife wants to lead a private life. Nor do I wish to attack Jeb and Columba as a couple.
But the National Question ramifications of Jeb and Columba and their situation are bigger than any of us, and deserve some exploration.
For the entire article, click here.
Article by Allan Wall, published on VDARE.COM, May 30th, 2015.
Tags: 2016 Election, Bush Dynasty, Columba Bush, Jeb Bush, Language, Language and Assimilation