There’s a movement in New Zealand to change the name of the country to Aotarea. For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published August 7th, 2022, on VDARE.COM.

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The Lost Colony was established on Roanoke Island but disappeared. It’s been a mystery ever since. A new archeological investigation is being launched to see if more can be discovered about the colony. For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published September 17th, 2021, on VDARE.COM.

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Allan on January 18th, 2019

The latest “caravan” has set out from Honduras to go to the United States. It appears that this caravan is to be composed of smaller groups successively traveling at their own pace.   Still, the goal is the same. For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published January 17th, 2019, on […]

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