Mexican Voter Registration System

Allan on October 27th, 2024

The current election season calls attention to voting procedures – registration, identification, ballot custody, counting procedures, etc. How should voters be registered? What sort of ID, if any, should they present when voting? Overall, 14 states and the District of Columbia don’t require identification of any kind from voters. Only 13 states require photo voter […]

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Mexico has a presidential election every six years. The U.S.A. has a presidential election every four years. Therefore, every 12 years, Mexico and the U.S. have elections the same year. This year, 2024, is one of those years. Since both Mexico and the U.S. have a presidential election this year, it is interesting to compare […]

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Allan on May 30th, 2021

My first VDARE article was published twenty years ago, on May 30th, 2001. Now it’s May 30th, 2021. Here is a retrospective of the past twenty years writing for VDARE. For the entire article, click here. Article by Allan Wall, published May 29th, 2021, on VDARE.COM.

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It’s amazing how hard it is in this country to have a secure Voter ID system. Some states do better than others. The H.R. 1 “For the People Act” would nullify state voter ID laws, which are hard enough to enact already. However, a recent Rasmussen Poll shows overwhelming support for Voter ID. For the […]

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I was interviewed by Silvio Canto, Jr. on his Canto Talk show. Principal topics were the 2020 election, COVID-19 in Mexico and the Mexican voter registration system. For the blog entry (which links to the interview) click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published December 17th, 2020, on VDARE.COM.

Continue reading about Allan Wall Interviewed by Silvio Canto, Jr. on Canto Talk. Principal Topics were the 2020 Election, COVID-19 in Mexico, the Mexican Voter Registration System

This is incredible and another evidence of how this country is becoming a joke. The Supreme Court refused to hear a case originating in Kansas about voter ID, thus leaving intact a lower court ruling which forbids demanding documentary proof of citizenship in order to register to vote. Isn’t that incredible? In contrast, in Mexico, […]

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The Mainstream Media would have folks believe there is nothing disputable about the 2020 election. But there were problems in these swing states that are under contention. Fifteen years ago, the Carter-Baker Commission warned about problems that were problems in this election. And there were problems in the U.S. electoral system before 2020, it’s just […]

Continue reading about America’s Voting System, Electoral Systems of Other Countries and the 2005 Carter-Baker Commission

The Mainstream Media and the Left (or do I repeat myself?) say that Trump’s charges of massive voter fraud are baseless and shouldn’t even be investigated or taken seriously. But there is plenty of evidence for voter fraud in swing states in 2020. However the 2020 election turns out, how can voter fraud be reduced […]

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Allan on August 11th, 2020

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. government made agreements with Canada on the north and Mexico on the south to close the borders to non-essential traffic. These agreements were initiated in March and have been renewed monthly afterward. Last month, I experienced this firsthand. Some members of my family and I visited Mexico – […]

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In a period of just four days, a certain level of secure voter registration was maintained in Oklahoma, although the state is still not up to Mexican standards. In the United States the fight over voter registration and secure voting is a constant battle. For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan […]

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