San Diego
Tijuana is a Mexican border city on the far west end of Mexico, across the border from San Diego, California. In fact, Tijuana and San Diego and other cities actually form a transborder metroplex of five and a half million people. This proximity allows Americans living on the U.S. side to drive over to Tijuana […]
It’s the Christmas season! That means it’s time for the Mainstream Media and Mass Immigration Activists (do I repeat myself?) to try to guilt trip American Christians into supporting the invasion of their country. Get ready to hear nonsensical and pseudo-pious arguments. Reuters has covered activity at a live nativity scene on the U.S.-Mexico border. […]
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The latest Said in Spanish, with four topics: I. An anti-ICE patrol in San Diego, U.S.A.2. Public Charge Law3. Guatemalans in U.S. Voted in Guatemalan Election4. Nearly One in Four Guatemalans Want to Emigrate For the entire article, click here. Article by Allan Wall, published August 21st, 2019, on VDARE.COM.