"Operation Lone Star"

Allan on November 3rd, 2022

The 2022 midterm elections are scheduled for Tuesday, November 8th. Could the results of these midterms change U.S. immigration policy? To read the entire blog entry, click here . Blog by Allan Wall published November 3rd, 2022, on Border Hawk Blog.

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Allan on April 15th, 2022

The Biden Border Rush continues and looks to get even worse with the scheduled termination of Title 42 on May 23 (as if it’s not bad enough already). The administration of Texas Governor Greg Abbott is fighting back with Operation Lone Star and is creating Texas’ own border policy. Drastic times call for drastic measures. […]

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American government functions best when each level of government (federal, state, county, local) stays in its own lane and its own jurisdiction. That becomes problematic, however, when the federal government either grabs too much power or cedes its power to control the border without allowing a state government to fill the void. A current case […]

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Allan on May 27th, 2021

Here are three news items about the border: 1. Mexicans are once again the biggest group crossing the border. 2. Operation Lone Star is operating. 3. Inability to track people.For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published May 26th, 2021, on US Incorporated.

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Recently-inaugurated President Joseph R. Biden is presiding over an increase in illegal entries, inspired by his campaign promises and policy adjustments, which encourage Latin Americans (and others) to make a run for the border. Texas Governor Greg Abbott has responded with a Texas operation meant to counter the problem. It’s called “Operation Lone Star”. For […]

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