Mexicans Returning To Mexico

My family and I recently returned from a visit to Mexico, our second such visit of the summer vacation, though much shorter. During the trip, I saw some things relating to the immigration situation. To read the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published August 13th, 2019, on VDARE.COM.

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Our family recently returned from our annual summer visit to Mexico, which coincided with the Mexican election. Mexico has a very good voter registration system.  It’s better than ours. Gated communities are a big thing in the metropolitan area where we were. We also had some mechanical work done on the car. For the entire […]

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The latest installment of the Said in Spanish series includes four stories: I.   The View from Tamaulipas.  The Mexican border state of Tamaulipas reports more deportations than a year ago. II. The Lost Territories.   Mexico became independent in 1821.  At least on paper, it was twice as big, but it soon lost about half its […]

Continue reading about Said in Spanish: View from Tamaulipas, Lost Territories, Latinos and Tax Plan, Central American Illegal Aliens in Mexico

Allan on December 21st, 2017

The central Mexican town of Malinalco was recently the subject of three simultaneously-published article in the Los Angeles Times.   Specifically, the three articles dealt with the problems and challenges of three Malinalco families: I.        A couple who lived in the United States for several decades and returned to Malinalco with their U.S.-born children. II.      A […]

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My family and I returned from our summer trip to Mexico.   And at the Mexican immigration border station, I saw some interesting things relating to the return of Mexicans to Mexico. For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published July 23rd, 2017 on VDARE.COM.

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Mexicans returning to Mexico, whether by deportation or self-deportation, are having an effect in the country. In a part of the state of Mexico (Edomex), it’s been reported that the return of many Mexicans has driven up the costs of housing purchases. Also, the Mexican government is dealing with the return of Mexicans in various […]

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The Washington Post ran an article reporting on Mexican deportees from the United States and about the Mexican government’s Somos Mexicanos program which is designed to help returnees adjust to life back in Mexico. For the entire blog entry, click, here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published March 5th, 2017 on VDARE.COM.

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Several responses to the Donald Trump Presidency are occurring  in Mexico simultaneously. There were anti-Trump marches on February 12th in which tens of thousands marched against Trump. Jorge Castaneda and others have another plan to sabotage the Trump Agenda – jam the U.S. immigrations courts. At the same time, Mexico is preparing to receive more […]

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Allan on January 19th, 2017

On our family’s recent trip to Mexico,  I saw some apparent returnees at the counter of the repatriation desk at the Mexican border immigration station. Breitbart has a report from Matamoros, Mexico, which is across the border from Brownsville, Texas.  According to Breitbart, “…approximately half of the Mexican nationals who had traveled through this city on […]

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Allan on January 17th, 2017

My family and I, as our usual custom, visited Mexico at Christmastime.  This short article is about our visit. For the entire article, click here. Article by Allan Wall, published January 16th, 2017, on

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