Mexican Media

Allan on October 25th, 2017

What is Mexican gun law like?  How effective is it?  And how will mass immigration and the growing Hispanicization of the United States change American gun law? For the entire article, click here. Article by Allan Wall, published October 15th, 2017, on VDARE.COM.

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The coverage of the RAISE Act in the Spanish-language media stateside and in the Mexican media is predictable- they don’t like it.     However, there are some Mexican  commenters who are more open to it! Click here to read the article. Article by Allan Wall, published August 21st, 2017 on VDARE.COM.

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Many people think Mexico has a wall on its southern border, but it doesn’t.   However, if Trump wins and, as pledged, builds a wall on the U.S.- Mexican border, Mexico might be forced to effectively fence off its borders with Guatemala and Belize. That could be beneficial  for all the countries involved. For the […]

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Allan on September 7th, 2016

Donald Trump’s recent visit to Mexico wound up making him look presidential. Meanwhile, Enrique Pena Nieto, the Presidente of Mexico, caught plenty of flak from elite Mexicans who aren’t part of the current government. For the entire article, click here. Article by Allan Wall, published September 6th, 2016, on VDARE.COM.

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Donald Trump has been lambasted in the Mexican media since he announced his candidacy, but should he win the election, Mexico would have  to deal with a Trump Presidency. Furthermore, an  editorial in the Mexican media actually calls for Mexico to construct walls on its southeast borders with Guatemala and Belize. For the entire article, […]

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Allan on July 25th, 2016

It’s official – Donald Trump is now the official Republican candidate for president, and the nominating convention was a success. So what was the response among Mexico’s media and political elite? For the entire article, click here. Article by Allan Wall, published July 24th, 2016, on VDARE.COM.

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Allan on July 12th, 2016

My family and I have returned from our summer visit to Mexico. For the entire article, click here. Article by Allan Wall, published July 11th, 2016, on

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My latest Said in Spanish news roundup includes a story about some anti-Trump artwork on the border,  Trump-bashing by Molotov and Kate del Castillo, a Mexican government housing program and a few Mexican pundits who don’t get hysterical when writing about Donald Trump. For the entire article, click here. Article by Allan Wall, published July […]

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Allan on June 18th, 2016

In response to the horrific Orlando shooting, journalists, activists and politicans are trying to analyze it from various angles. Examples: 1. Gun Control –  Gun grabbers use it as an example of how we need gun control. 2. Gay Rights –   The purveyors of the gay agenda use it as an example of “homophobia”. […]

Continue reading about Excelsior on Orlando Shooting

Allan on July 15th, 2015

I write from Mexico, where I’m currently visiting, and the Mexican media still has an obsession with Donald Trump. It’s a little strange when you think about it.  After all, Donald Trump is a candidate for president, who hasn’t even won his party’s nomination, which is still a ways off.  And besides, why should Mexicans […]

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