Mexican Diplomatic Corps
How is Mexico affected by the Russia-Ukraine War? More than you might expect, although its leaders are careful to look out for the interests of Mexico. Mexico’s Ukraine policy combines its non-intervention doctrine with a consideration for Mexican trade and for Mexicans residing in Ukraine. For the entire article, click here. Article by Allan Wall, […]
The latest installment of Said in Spanish. Topics of this article: 1. Mexico still a Thoroughfare for the Biden Border Rush. 2. Non-Mexicans Packed into Trailers. 3. Asylum Requests in Mexico. 4. Ebrard and Mexican Consulates in the U.S. 5. Pregnant Woman Fails to Cross Rio Grande, gets trapped on a little island. 6. Elvira […]
My first VDARE article was published twenty years ago, on May 30th, 2001. Now it’s May 30th, 2021. Here is a retrospective of the past twenty years writing for VDARE. For the entire article, click here. Article by Allan Wall, published May 29th, 2021, on VDARE.COM.
We’re now in the Biden Era, and the border is changing. It’s worth reflecting on what Donald Trump accomplished on the border with the help of Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO). Then we can speculate on what might occur next. For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published […]
Recent coronavirus news relating to Mexico: Coronavirus stats, Mexico and the U.S. Murder rate not dropping in Mexico Drug cartels providing aid Health Professionals Attacked Mexicans Dying in the U.S. To see the entire article, click here. Article by Allan Wall, published April 27th, 2020, on VDARE.COM. NOTE: Part of the title is “WuFlu Still […]
President Trump has threatened a 5% tariff on all Mexican goods beginning on June 10th “until such time as illegal migrants coming through Mexico, and into our Country, STOP. “ Is the Tweeter-in-Chief really going to do it this time, or back down? I don’t know, but the Mexican government takes this very seriously and […]
Continue reading about Mexican Government Working to Avoid the Trump Tariff Threat
Mexico’s new President, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, known by initials AMLO, has been in office since December 1st. AMLO has a good relationship with Trump and refuses to criticize the American president. Nevertheless, we can probably expect future meddling in the U.S. by the AMLO administration. It’s hard for a Mexican administration to avoid it. […]
Continue reading about AMLO and Ebrard Discuss Support for Mexicans in the United States
The latest Said in Spanish series discusses: 1. The Mexican Foreign Ministry complains about a group of Americans protesting in front of a Mexican consulate. 2. A concert tour to allow some DREAMers in for free. 3. Flyers scare off employees and customers of a Mexican restaurant. 4. Carlos Sada visits California. 5. A Latino […]
The Mexican foreign ministry has a vast consular network in the United States, which it uses to meddle in U.S. immigration policy. The goal is to keep as many Mexicans in the United States while retaining their loyalty to Mexico. Our politicians don’t care, even though Mexican meddling far outweighs any possible Russian meddling […]
Continue reading about Mexican Foreign Minister Videgaray Addressess Mexican Diplomats