Mexican CNDH

The latest Said in Spanish installment features the following stories: 1. The invasion of Spain’s Ceuta territory 2. Mexico’s CNDH 3. Venezuelan Diaspora in South America 4. Guatemalans Dying Trying to Get Into the U.S. 5. Ninety-three Year Old Honduran Woman Crosses BorderTo see the entire article, click here. Article by Allan Wall, published May […]

Continue reading about Immigration News from Spain, Mexico, Central America, South America and of course the U.S. Border

Allan on November 28th, 2018

The latest installment of Said in Spanish deals with the topic of the Caravan.   There are five topics: 1.  The Governor of Baja California asks Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto for help. 2.  Mexico Complains about the Tear Gas 3.  Honduras Complains about the Rubber Bullets 4.  Mexican Human Rights Commission on Honduran Border Havoc […]

Continue reading about Said in Spanish on the Caravan

Folks in the median and politics are going on about supposed Russian interference in the election.  How about the Mexican meddling that has been going on for decades? For the entire article, click here. Article by Allan Wall, published April 4th, 2017 on VDARE.COM.

Continue reading about Russian Hacking Hysteria? What About Mexican Meddling?