On the morning of May 12, Mexican president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) held his usual morning press conference. It was a real tour de force, the main, recurring theme was the U.S. National Question as interpreted by the Mexican government. AMLO, with sidekick Marcelo Ebrard, and some eager reporters, bashed Republicans(including a sitting governor, […]
Mexico City was founded as Tenochtitlan in 1325 by the Aztecs and destroyed by the Spaniards and Indian allies in 1521. The Spaniards built a new city above the rubble. Therefore, when you dig down under the city you find the Aztec structures. Right off downtown Mexico’s City’s Zocalo Plaza is the Templo Mayor, site […]
It’s now been 500 years since Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes arrived to Veracruz, Mexico. On April 21st, 2019, Cortes and his ships arrived to the island of San Juan de Ulua, right off Veracruz. The next day, April 22nd, 2019, the Spaniards went ashore. Thus began their conquest of the Aztec Empire, which fell on […]
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In the fascinating field of Mexican archaeology, there are constant new discoveries being made, which in turn lead to new questions. A recent discovery was that of a watercourse below a structure in the Maya city of Palenque. Why was it there? For the entire article, click here. Article by Allan Wall, published August 1st, […]
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Interesting discoveries from the past few years may indicate that archaeologists may be close to finding a tomb or tombs of Aztec emperors. Entire article located here. Article by Allan Wall, published March 14th, 2016 on
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The Touropia website has published several lists about Mexico: “10 Top Tourist Attractions”, “10 Best Places to Visit” and “7 Most Amazing Pyramids”. For the entire article, click here. Article by Allan Wall, published February 8th, 2016, on
Does the Maya calendar really prophesy the end of the world on December 21st, 2012? There’s been a lot of hysteria about this topic. However, even the purveyors of the hysteria are not in agreement on what it entails. Is it the end of the world, the end of life on earth, or “just” the […]
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