The tragedy of the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine continues to dominate the media, and it’s not hard to understand why. It’s an old-fashioned conventional land war on the European continent, pitting the world’s biggest country against a country which has only been independent for three decades, yet continues to heroically fight on. Meanwhile, back […]
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My first VDARE article was published twenty years ago, on May 30th, 2001. Now it’s May 30th, 2021. Here is a retrospective of the past twenty years writing for VDARE. For the entire article, click here. Article by Allan Wall, published May 29th, 2021, on VDARE.COM.
Internet censorship by Big Tech companies is a big problem, a threat to our freedom of speech and our ability to organize politically. Just look at the lead-up to the 2020 U.S. election, in which Big Tech carefully managed the flow of information to favor one candidate. What should be done about it? It’s interesting […]
We need a wall on the U.S.-Mexican border. One way is to have the U.S. Military build it. Why not? Isn’t it the military’s job to protect the country? The U.S. military could construct a wall, or fence or some kind of barrier on the border. When I was in Iraq in 2005, I was […]
The Honduran “caravan” has arrived to Tijuana, a Mexico city on the border, across from San Diego. And there have been protests, as many Tijuana residents oppose the presence of the Hondurans, who, they fear, will wind up staying in Tijuana. So what should the United States do? Why won’t we really secure our border? […]
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In 2005, I was deployed to Iraq with the Texas Army National Guard, 36th Infantry Division. Our unit was sent to Iraq two years after the initial invasion. In 2005, the American and coalition troops deployed there were engaged in various aspects of what could be described as occupation duty. Iraq had plenty of violence […]
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It looks like Iraq is breaking up. Either Iraq breaks up, or it takes a lot of force to keep it together. I served a tour of duty in Iraq in 2005, with the Texas Army National Guard. I befriended some Iraqis over there. How are they are doing now? The Iraq situation […]
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