Immigration Profiteering

Getting control of immigration involves several strategies.  One is to guard the border.  Another is to detain and deport illegal aliens. And another is to audit companies to see if their employees are legal. And American cheap labor profiteers who hire illegal aliens ought to be punished. The Trump administration is increasing audits of companies, […]

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Allan on April 9th, 2018

The division of our government known as ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), together with the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) and the Tennessee Highway Patrol, have raided a meatpacking plant in Tennessee. For the entire article, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published April 8th, 2018, on VDARE.COM.

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Some rich donors are hedging their bets by contributing to both Jeb Bush (“Republican”) and Hillary Clinton (“Democrat”). That must indicate that they think there wouldn’t be that much difference between a Jeb Presidency and a Hillary Presidency. And maybe they’re right. On immigration there doesn’t seem to be that big a difference. For the […]

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The super wealthy are  among the biggest drivers of our mass immigration policy.    Such people  are exempt from the effects of their own policies.  They are so wealthy and insulated from the life of the common man. They  don’t have to worry so much about crime,  deteriorating public schools, neighborhoods invaded by illegal aliens […]

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Allan on August 19th, 2014

Mass immigration (both legal and illegal) is driven in part by the interests of U.S. billionaires for whom cheap labor is more important than the future of our nation. Examples include Bill Gates, the Koch Brothers,  Mark Zuckerberg, Paul Singer, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Sheldon Adelson and too many others.   (Notice that the list […]

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There’s plenty of money to be made off illegal immigration. Cheap labor profiteers make a bundle by hiring illegal alien  workers, and passing on the social costs to the American taxpayer.   But that’s not the only way to make money off illegal immigration. Another method is to operate  a “non-profit” social services organization.    Then […]

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