I accompanied my younger son, a university student, on a trip to Mississippi and Louisiana. The trip was his idea and he planned it. A road trip is an opportunity to see our country at ground level. You drive through part of the U.S.A, you see landscapes, cities, historical sites and even talk to people. […]
American public schools face many problems. As a public school teacher myself, I’m well aware of that. And, as if all these problems weren’t enough, our schools are being inundated with foreign students thanks to the Biden Border Invasion. For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published January 22nd, 2024, […]
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Delia Ramirez was elected to Congress and is scheduled to start her term in a few days. She is an Anchor Baby whose mother illegally immigrated here from Guatemala while pregnant with her. She is married to a so-called “DREAMer”. And she has been elected to Congress ans is about to start her term. For […]
The latest Said in Spanish series includes: 1. Texas Sanctuary City Law, Illegal Aliens and the Mexican Foreign Ministry. 2. Congressman Ruben Kihuen in Excelsior 3. Governor McAuliffe of Virginia in Mexico 4. Governor Inslee of Washington State in Mexico 5. Mexico City Mayor Mancera in Illinois Senate 6. Mexican Elitists at Cannes For the […]