Illegal Immigration In Mexico

On May 18th, 2022, the Mexican Supreme Court issued a ruling which affects Mexico’s immigration control. This was in response to an abuse of power by officials of the INM, Mexico’s federal immigration agency. So how will this affect the flow of illegal aliens who cross Mexico to get to the U.S.? It’s likely to […]

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My latest Said in Spanish installment has four topics: 1. LA Mayor Eric Garcetti visits Mexico and hobnobs with Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard. 2 A Truck Tragedy in Mexico and Central American Illegal Alien Routes 3. In Mexico’s Veracruz state, a Mexican Education Official Dismissed, and Why 4.  La Opinion and Univision Report Chinese […]

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Allan on October 13th, 2018

There has been a big increase in Guatemalans crossing the U.S.-Mexican border, and people are asking why. It’s  due I think to a combination of factors.   But the Wall Street Journal featured in this blog ignores some of the major reasons for it. For example, it never mentions Mexico. And these Guatemalans have to cross […]

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The latest installment in the Said in Spanish series, with five topics: 1. Mexican media discovers that other countries (not just the U.S.) deport Mexican minors. 2. Mayor of Mexican border city complains about  migrants in her city. 3. Univision reports an immigration raid. 4. St. Patrick’s Battalion. 5. Eugenio Derbez. To read the entire […]

Continue reading about Said in Spanish: Mexican Minors Deported from Other Countries, Migrants in Mexico, Another Raid, St. Patrick’s Battalion, Eugenio Derbez

The Mexican government condemned the family separation policy as “cruel and inhumane”. Wait a minute.  If Mexico had controlled its own immigration, then all these Central American illegal aliens wouldn’t be here. For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published June 25th, 2018, on VDARE.COM.  

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On May 20th, the second Mexican presidential debate was held, this time in Tijuana.     The theme was “Mexico and the World”.  Therefore there was plenty of Trump-bashing, complaining about U.S. deportation of illegal aliens, and pledges to meddle more in the United States. Mexico’s elite does not like what Trump is doing, and they are […]

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NPR ran a piece on Mexico’s policies on its border with Guatemala.   The bottom line is, a lot of Central Americans are getting detained but a lot are getting through. For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published May 7th, 2018, on VDARE.COM.

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Trump has been blamed for an increase in violence in Mexican border towns.   Why is that? Well, the argument is that deported illegal aliens, plus would-be illegal aliens who don’t cross, increases the violence in Mexican border towns. But wait a minute.  We’re not supposed to say that illegal immigration increases crime in the United […]

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With the Trump Administration tightening up on U.S. immigration policy, Mexico is affected.   After all, the Mexican government doesn’t want Central American illegal aliens staying in Mexico, so it is cracking down by detaining illegal aliens in bust stations. Of course, Donald Trump has been blamed for this. For the entire article, click here. Article […]

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Many people think Mexico has a wall on its southern border, but it doesn’t.   However, if Trump wins and, as pledged, builds a wall on the U.S.- Mexican border, Mexico might be forced to effectively fence off its borders with Guatemala and Belize. That could be beneficial  for all the countries involved. For the […]

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