Delia Ramirez was elected to Congress and is scheduled to start her term in a few days. She is an Anchor Baby whose mother illegally immigrated here from Guatemala while pregnant with her. She is married to a so-called “DREAMer”. And she has been elected to Congress ans is about to start her term. For […]
There are at least three illegal alien amnesty bills in the U.S. Congress. For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published December 7th, 2022 on Border Hawk Blog.
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The Democrats want to legalize 8 million illegal aliens. They’re thinking demographically, expecting most of them to vote for the Democratic Party, of course. For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published July 26th, 2021, on VDARE.COM.
Former President George “Dubya” Bush is back promoting mass immigration again, and has teamed up with Elite Southern Baptist bureaucrat Russell Moore. For the entire article, click here. Article by Allan Wall, published May 19th, 2021, on VDARE.COM.
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The latest Said in Spanish series discusses: 1. The Mexican Foreign Ministry complains about a group of Americans protesting in front of a Mexican consulate. 2. A concert tour to allow some DREAMers in for free. 3. Flyers scare off employees and customers of a Mexican restaurant. 4. Carlos Sada visits California. 5. A Latino […]
Since Trump was a candidate, former President of Mexico (2000-2006) Vicente Fox has been railing against him. Fox’s latest anti-Trump rant is a diatribe in the New York Times. By the way, did you know that Mexican Magnate Carlos Slim is the biggest shareholder of the New York Times? For the entire blog entry, click […]
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The latest in the Said in Spanish series deals with three topics: 1. The NFL in Mexico 2. Mexico and the Death Penalty in the United States 3. DREAMers For the entire article, click here. Article by Allan Wall, published November 23rd, 2017, on VDARE.COM.
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The latest installment of the Said in Spanish Series includes: 1. The spread of Kaepernick-style protest from the NFL to high school girls JV volleyball 2. Rafael Moreno Valle visits LA 3. Flyers in Mexico telling people not to help migrants. 4. Latino Stress 5. An illegal alien and his dog For the entire article, […]
Much has been said stateside about the class of illegal aliens fancifully known as the “DREAMers”. Well, the Mexican government has recently said that if they return to Mexico, the Mexican DREAMers will be accepted with open arms and will be aided in their re-integration into Mexican society. We should take Mexico up on its […]
Three Republican senators have introduced the “SUCCEED Act”, an amnesty program for the group of illegal aliens fancifully known as the “DREAMers”. Instead of doing that, why don’t these guys use their energy to promote the RAISE Act, which would reduce legal immigration? So what is this “SUCCEED Act”? For the entire blog entry, click […]
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