Christian Doctrine

Trump’s Christian Apologists Are Unchristian is the name of a  column recently  by William Saletan , published on Slate. As a  Christian myself,  William Saletan and Slate are not exactly  my first websites to refer to for  spiritual guidance and Christian doctrine.   But since Saletan and Slate are influential, I guess their arguments have to […]

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Allan on May 18th, 2016

Russell Moore’s official title is President of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, the country’s largest Protestant denomination. However, Russell Moore seems to view himself as a sort of Grand Inquisitor of all Evangelicals.   Moore has already condemned Christians who support Donald Trump. Moore’s latest New York Times op-ed […]

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Allan on February 22nd, 2016

Pope Francis visited Mexico and, among other things held a mass on the U.S.-Mexican border. After departing Mexico, on the plane the Pope was asked about, and commented upon, Donald Trump’s campaign proposals.  How valid was the Pope’s statement? For the entire article, click here. Article by Allan Wall, published February 22nd, 2016, on

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The leaders of the  Southern Baptist Church, America’s largest Protestant denomination, have gotten themselves into a tizzy over the supposed lack of diversity in their denomination. What’s the real issue here, from a Christian perspective? The Christian religion is both universal and particular. Christianity is a universal religion. It’s for  all those who believe in […]

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Allan on April 9th, 2015

The latest attempt in the ongoing campaign to brainwash Evangelical Christians into supporting illegal alien amnesty is a poll recently released by “Lifeway Research”,  sponsored by the Soros-supported Evangelical Immigration Table. For more information, read the entire article here. Article by Allan Wall, published on VDARE.COM on April 8th, 2015.

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Allan on February 8th, 2015

Within the next few years, the U.S.-Mexican border may have a very famous world figure crossing it on foot.  Pope Francis himself, the first Latin American pontiff, has expressed a desire to do so. Speaking to reporters on an airplane,  Pope Francis said that   “To enter the United States from the border with Mexico […]

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Allan on July 24th, 2014

“Who Would Jesus Deport?” is a question/slogan used in articles, a cartoon, t-shirts and there’s even a Facebook page with that name. The question/slogan “Who Would Jesus Deport?” is derivative of the question/slogan “What Would Jesus Do?” Both questions have the same initials – WWJD. Is it wrong for the United States government to deport illegal […]

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Allan on March 1st, 2013

Among the many leaders of the amnesty movement are evangelical Christian leaders  who are attempting to guilt- trip their congregations into supporting amnesty. Evangelicals don’t form a monolithic entity, and there is no hierarchy or central organization that can claim to speak for all of them. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that  influential evangelical leaders […]

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Allan on November 4th, 2012

As in 2008, Mitt Romney’s Mormon faith is still an issue. Last month, Romney visited America’s most-famous evangelist, Billy Graham, and son Franklin. Romney received an endorsement. This endorsement, and the way it was handled, is a source of controversy in some evangelical circles. To read the entire blog post, click here. Blog post by […]

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