Cheap Labor

With our nation’s economy crippled by the COVID-19 shutdown, and tens of millions of Americans out of work, you’d think that now would be the perfect time to stop bringing in guest workers. Well, that’s not how forty-seven Republican senators and representatives see it.  They are afraid that the administration might end the entry of […]

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The Guatemalan government complains about the U.S. deporting sick Guatemalans back to their own country. But the same Guatemalan government is sending out more guest workers who might catch coronavirus. And the U.S. is helping. Why? Well, there is a reason. As they say, follow the money. To read the entire article, click here. Article […]

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Trump doesn’t know much about agriculture, and sadly, the President has imbibed the Kool-Aid of the agricultural cheap labor lobby. Trumps says if we don’t have cheaper foreign agricultural labor “we’re not going to have farms”. For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published April 2nd, 2020, on VDARE.COM.

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Allan on December 12th, 2018

The supposed need for more agricultural laborers has, since the days of slavery, been a major justification for the use of cheap labor. In the long run though “cheap labor” is anything but cheap. As agriculture continues to be mechanized/automatized/robotized, this excuse is less and less valid, if it ever was. Even the New York Times is […]

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