Big Tech Censorship

Allan on August 25th, 2021

The ongoing fiasco in Afghanistan is a major humiliation of American power and prestige abroad, sending an image of weakness and incompetence to friend and foe alike.   After spending 1.2 trillion dollars, and losing thousands of soldiers, the U.S. has failed to convert Afghanistan into a stable, democratic country.  What sort of society is Afghanistan […]

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Internet censorship by Big Tech companies is a big problem, a threat to our freedom of speech and our ability to organize politically. Just look at the lead-up to the 2020 U.S. election, in which Big Tech carefully managed the flow of information to favor one candidate. What should be done about it? It’s interesting […]

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Allan on January 17th, 2021

The recent Big Tech crackdown on free speech on the internet, which included the expulsion of Trump from Twitter, has not gone unnoticed among world leaders. For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published January 16th, 2021, on VDARE.COM.

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Allan on January 12th, 2021

The riot at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th is all over the news. It’s been called a “coup” and an “insurrection”. And President Trump has been blamed for inciting it. As a result, the Democrats are trying to impeach Trump again (at the end of his term) and Big Tech is cracking down on internet […]

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In the United States, Big Tech is a major threat to free speech. Just look at the recent election season. It’s encouraging to see that the government of Poland is proposing a law that would fight censorship, and if necessary, fine tech companies that practice it. For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry […]

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Mexican President AMLO still won’t congratulate Biden until the legal question is settled, and continues to speak well of Trump. Furthermore, AMLO has noticed the censorship in the United States. For the entire article, click here. Article by Allan Wall, published November 13th, 2020, on VDARE.COM.

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VDARE.COM is under attack by the Big Tech censors. As of early a.m. June 26th, it’s still online, but for how long? VDARE.COM deals with immigration, assimilation, citizenship and related topics. It is possibly the best-documented website there is, because it has many hyper-links you can click to follow up on the topics discussed in […]

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Videos from the 2019 Social Contract Press Writers’ Workshop are posted online on the Social Contract website. The videos are definitely worth watching, they provide varied perspectives on today’s immigration situation and none is over an hour in length. Here are the five videos:1. Sheriff Chuck Jenkins of Frederick County, Maryland, discussing The 287g Program: […]

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