
Allan on December 8th, 2022

There are at least three illegal alien amnesty bills in the U.S. Congress. For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published December 7th, 2022 on Border Hawk Blog.

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Allan on March 9th, 2021

The latest installment of the Said in Spanish Series, with six items: 1. AMLO’S Proposed Guest Worker Plan 2. Mexican Detention of Central Americans 3. Guatemalan Loses Arm in Mexico 4. Remittances to Mexico 5. Mexicans in U.S. to have representation in Mexican Congress 6. Foreign Frijoles in Mexico To read the entire article, click […]

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The Guatemalan government complains about the U.S. deporting sick Guatemalans back to their own country. But the same Guatemalan government is sending out more guest workers who might catch coronavirus. And the U.S. is helping. Why? Well, there is a reason. As they say, follow the money. To read the entire article, click here. Article […]

Continue reading about Guatemala’s Crafty Deportee/Guest Worker Coronavirus Policy (Supported By The U.S. Government)

Allan on April 29th, 2020

This Coronavirus Crisis is an opportunity to examine various things about our country’s policies. One of them is our China policy. There’s a lot to re-evaluate there. For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published April 28th, 2020, on US Inc.

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Trump doesn’t know much about agriculture, and sadly, the President has imbibed the Kool-Aid of the agricultural cheap labor lobby. Trumps says if we don’t have cheaper foreign agricultural labor “we’re not going to have farms”. For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published April 2nd, 2020, on VDARE.COM.

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Allan on December 12th, 2018

The supposed need for more agricultural laborers has, since the days of slavery, been a major justification for the use of cheap labor. In the long run though “cheap labor” is anything but cheap. As agriculture continues to be mechanized/automatized/robotized, this excuse is less and less valid, if it ever was. Even the New York Times is […]

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I grew up on a dairy, and I can appreciate a recent article on NPR (National Public Radio) about robots on dairy farms. It’s estimated that 5% of U.S. dairy farms now use robots to milk cows. How is this going to effect labor arrangements? For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by […]

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Allan on January 4th, 2015

President Obama has recently announced his intention to chamge U.S. Cuba policy.   How is that going to turn out? Coincidentally, my family and I visited Cuba last summer.  (See Our Summer 2014 Trip to Mexico and the Island-nation of Cuba.) Cuba has been a communist country since 1959.  It has been  isolated from the […]

Continue reading about Cuba’s National Question – And Ours

Allan on April 11th, 2014

My 14-year old son David is a member of the FFA  chapter at our school, and recently showed two pigs at the local and county livestock shows. For the entire blog entry, click here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published on VDARE.COM on April 11th, 2014.

Continue reading about Livestock Shows: Going the Whole Hog

Allan on March 30th, 2014

On December 12, 2013, six Chinese nationals  were indicted in federal court in Iowa, charged with conspiracy to steal seed corn from three American agribusiness giants (DuPont Pioneer, Monsanto and LG Seeds).   This case  shows that Chinese espionage includes not only military and industrial  targets, but agricultural ones as well. And, it raises grave questions about our […]

Continue reading about Dr. Mo and the A-MAIZE-ING Chinese Seed Corn Heist