2012 Election
The Puerto Rican plebiscite, held on November 6th (the same day Barack Obama won his second term to the U.S. presidency) was historic in that, for the first time in history, the statehood position won. So should we just accept Puerto Rican statehood? How about the flag, how would 51 stars be portrayed? ( Click […]
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The 2012 Presidential election is now history. Republican challenger Mitt Romney was unsuccessful in his bid to unseat Democratic incumbent Barack Obama, who has now won another four years as president. There were only a few million votes separating this election’s winner and loser. So why did Obama win and Romney lose? There are several […]
Life is full of choices. Every four years, Americans choose their president. This year the choice is between the incumbent, Democrat Barack Obama, and the Republican challenger Mitt Romney. It’s a shame they both can’t lose. Neither man seems particularly dedicated to the U.S. Constitution nor to the historical American nation. Neither is prone to […]
As in 2008, Mitt Romney’s Mormon faith is still an issue. Last month, Romney visited America’s most-famous evangelist, Billy Graham, and son Franklin. Romney received an endorsement. This endorsement, and the way it was handled, is a source of controversy in some evangelical circles. To read the entire blog post, click here. Blog post by […]
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Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, also known by his initials AMLO, was the runner-up in the 2006 and 2012 presidential elections, though he refused to concede either election. AMLO has recently endorsed Obama in the U.S. election, and has excoriated Republicans for “racism against the immigrants”. For the entire blog post, click here. Blog post by […]
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In a rather bizarre twist in the by-now-familiar quest to win Hispanic voters for Romney, a group of Hispanic Republicans is attacking Obama for – deporting too many illegal aliens? As Stephen Dinan reports in the Washington Times in “Conservative Ads in Spanish Tell a Different Story to Hispanics” (Aug. 9th, 2012): Polls […]
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In the polls, Romney is getting trounced by Obama among Latinos. Does that mean Mitt is doomed to lose the election? Look at the math. Hispanics cast only 6.9% of the vote in 2012, barely a tenth of the votes cast by whites. If Romney wants to be a winner in November, he needs to […]
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Why do American candidates run Spanish-language political ads? Don’t they understand that our national language is English ? Don’t they know English ability is a requirement of naturalization? Don’t they realize that the use of Spanish-language political ads is downright divisive? Or is it just that they don’t care? At least if candidates are lying […]
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Mitt Romney was in Philadelphia, visiting an inner city charter school. Plenty of protestors, including the mayor of Philadelphia, were outside the school. Inside the school, Romney made a rather amazing claim, stating that “…the gap in educational opportunity and achievement of people of color in this society, I believe, is the civil […]
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The drug war in Mexico continues, with all its violence, mayhem and loss of life. Among the various factors contributing to this disastrous situation is the growing demand for illegal drugs on the U.S. side of the border. To put it another way, American narcotics purchasers are the principal financiers of the Mexican drug cartels. […]
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