Here’s a great example of hypocrisy.  The Mexican Foreign Ministry is throwing a hissy fit over Texas Governor Rick Perry’s  supposed “militarization” of the border by his deploying the National Guard there.   And yet, as I’ve documented in a previous article, the Mexican side of the border is already militarized, by the Mexican military!

The truth of the matter is simply that the government of Mexico doesn’t want the U.S. to secure its border!

As for the National Guard deployment, as a veteran of the Texas Army National Guard myself, I know that the Guard could be an effective force on the border, IF it were to have a clear mission and the political will to back it up.

Rick Perry though, doesn’t inspire much confidence in this regard, as he has done too much in the past to promote illegal immigration.   His recent rhetoric doesn’t sound too convincing.  But, I’d love for Perry to prove me wrong.

For the entire blog entry, click here.

Blog entry by Allan Wall, published on VDARE.COM on August 22nd, 2014.

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