The second debate between the Mexican presidential candidates was held on June 10th, 2012, in the city of Guadalajara, presided over by journalist Javier Solorzano.   

The four candidates participating were, in order of poll rankings: ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO of the PRI (Partido Revolucionario Institucional) and the PVEM (Partido Verde Ecologista de México); ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR of the PRD (Partido de la Revolución Democrática), the PT (Partido del Trabajo), and the Movimiento Ciudadano; JOSEFINA VAZQUEZ MOTA of the PAN (Partido Acción Nacional); and GABRIEL QUADRI DE LA TORRE of PANAL (Partido de la Nueva Alianza).

For the entire article, click here.

Article by Allan Wall, published on  on June 28th, 2012.

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