The latest attempt to achieve an amnesty for illegal aliens was to attach an amendment to the 3.5 trillion (!) dollar budget reconciliation bill.
You can read my blog entry about that amendment here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published September 17th, 2021, on US Incorporated.
Amnesty is of course a very bad idea for the United States, and two days after my blog entry was published, the Senate Parliamentarian (Elizabeth MacDonough) determined that such an amendment shouldn’t be attached to a budget bill.
That’s good news. Meanwhile, the Biden Border Rush continues. Part of that was the recent Haitian invasion of in Del Rio, Texas.
You can read my blog entry about the amendment and the Haitian invasion here. Blog entry by Allan Wall, published September 23rd, 2021, on US Incorporated.
Tags: Congress, Del Rio in Texas, Elizabeth MacDonough, Florida, Greg Abbott, Haiti, Illegal Alien Amnesty, Joe Biden, Numbers USA, Texas