America needs a shutdown of legal immigration. And the way to accomplish that is to cut off the issuance of “green cards”.

Green cards, by the way, are no longer green, except for the strip on the back reading “Permanent Resident Card”, with some green lettering above that (“United States of America” and “Department of Homeland Security”) and below it “The person identified by this card is authorized to work and reside in the U.S.”. Plus there is some green lettering and an arrow at the bottom of that side. But, by custom, it is still called a green card.

For many, a shutdown on legal immigration is a taboo subject.  But Julia Hahn takes it up in a Breitbart article.

For the entire blog entry, click here.

Blog entry by Allan Wall, published Auguest 6th, 2015, on VDARE.COM.

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