The Pew Research Center has released a political survey of Hispanics.  There’s a lot there.

The main message is that Hispanic political attitudes aren’t that different than they were four years ago.

As far as the election, according to the Pew poll, of Latino registered voters, 58% are for Clinton with only 19% for Trump. Four years ago, 71% of Latinos voted for Obama and 27% voted for Romney.    After the general election, it should be interesting to see the demographics of it.   When it’s all said and done, Trump may do as well as Romney.

And this is interesting – the minority of Latinos who support Trump are more likely to  (a) have been born in the U.S. versus having been born in another country, and (2)be English-dominant.   That’s very interesting.

For the entire blog entry, click here.

Blog entry published Oct. 16th, 2016, on VDARE.COM.

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