The Ozarks, a 47,000 square-mile region in southern Missouri, northern Arkansas, part of eastern Oklahoma and the southeast corner of Kansas, is a unique, distinctive and picturesque region.
Like the rest of the country, it’s undergoing ideological and demographic change.
NOTE: The painting at the top of the article, Union Refugees, by George W. Pettit,1865, represents Union refugees and does not necessarily have anything to do with the Ozarks. It is discussed in the article as a painting at an art museum in the Ozarks.
For the entire article, click here.
Article by Allan Wall, published December 14th, 2023, on VDARE.COM.
Tags: Alice Walton, American Indians, Art, Arthur Fitzwilliam Tait, Battle of Pea Ridge, Bentonville, Branson, Civil War, Civil War Reenactment, Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Demographics, George W. Pettit, Memo from Middle America, Miriam Jordan, Museums, New York Times, Richard Caton Woodville, The Beverly Hillbillies, The Ozarks