“I will always be painfully honest and work as hard as I can and hopefully make a difference in people’s lives.”

Those were the words of David March, a deputy sheriff for seven years in the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.

Tragically, his service ended on April 29th, 2002.

At what appeared to be a routine traffic stop in Irwindale, Deputy March was shot and killed in cold blood by a thrice-deported, twice-convicted, Mexican illegal alien drug pusher.

The murderer was named Jorge Arroyo Garcia, aka Armando Garcia, or “Chato”.   

Garcia was pulled over by Deputy March.  Both Garcia and Deputy March  got out of their respective vehicles and March ordered Garcia to get back into his. 

With his back to the officer, Garcia pulled out a 9 mm handgun, turned and shot Deputy March, who fell, after which Garcia walked up and shot Deputy March in the head. 

The motive?

Garcia wasn’t being pursued by Deputy March. 

Nor was Garcia caught in the act of committing a crime.

No, the motive was simply to kill a police officer.

That’s what Garcia had actually told friends –that his goal was to murder a police officer in a traffic stop!

Garcia had actually provoked the police stop, then waited for Deputy March to be in the open so he’d have a clear shot.

After the shooting, Garcia escaped to Mexico.  A number of criminals have done this and some are never returned.

But in 2006, Garcia was finally extradited from Mexico back to the U.S. and received a life sentence.

Deputy David March is still remembered.  In Los Angeles County, there is both a public park and thoroughfare named after him.

Each year on the anniversary of his death, deputies keep a 24-hour vigil in honor of March, at the place where he was killed.

It’s good that David March is remembered by the community he served.   It would be even better if his death, and those of others, could influence officials to prevent this from happening again.

The killer had been deported three times (1992,1994 and 2001) and convicted of two felonies, but was still here, able to kill Deputy David March in 2002.

If our officials had been determined to enforce our immigration laws, then Deputy March could still be alive in California today.   

(Note: This selection is an article in my 2021 booklet The Victims of Illegal Immigration, Third Edition, published by US Incorporated. That booklet contains true accounts of victims of illegal aliens. It’s a big problem in our country, which the Mainstream Media does not publicize. )

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