Tierra Stansberry’s dream was to see the ocean.   Some readers may not think that’s such a big deal.

But Tierra was from Iowa, and to those of us folks who grew up in landlocked Midwestern states, seeing the ocean is a big deal. 

Tierra finally went to California, hoping to see the ocean. 

We don’t know if she ever made it to the ocean, but we know that she died (along with four others) in a fire, set by someone who should not even have been in our country.

As a child, Tierra had suffered several serious medical problems.

At 18 years of age, Tierra decided to take the leap and travel by bus to California. 

There is much uncertainty about Tierra’s trip and there’s no one alive to fill in the details.

By June 13th, 2016, Tierra was in Los Angeles, together with 24-year old boyfriend Joseph Proenneke, Joseph’s biological mother Mary Davis and her husband Jerry Clemons, all four from Ottumwa, Iowa.

On that date, these four perished in a fire, in an abandoned commercial building used as lodging by transients and the homeless. 

The remains of the four Iowans were found in the burned building, huddled together, with a billfold belonging to Joseph. 

Tierra, identified by dental records, died of carbon monoxide poisoning and smoke inhalation.

DeAndre Mitchell, a Californian, also died.  

The fire was a case of arson, started by Johnny Josue Sanchez, an illegal alien from Honduras, who wanted revenge against another resident of the building who had reportedly beat him up.

To exact his vengeance, Sanchez set fires at the building’s exits. The resulting conflagration took more than 100 firefighters 3 hours to extinguish.

Sanchez entered the U.S. in 2012, was released under “supervision”, but in 2014 just stopped showing up at his appearances.

In California, Sanchez was in and out of jail on other charges, such as domestic violence and drug possession.

 ICE was not notified thanks to the sanctuary city policies of Los Angeles.  Sanchez’s last release from police custody was less than a week before he set the building on fire.

What a tragedy for all involved.  If our officials had done their jobs, then five people would have been spared a fiery death, and Tierra’s life would not have been cut short in such a horrible death.

(Note: This selection is an article in my 2021 booklet The Victims of Illegal Immigration, Third Edition, published by US Incorporated. That booklet contains true accounts of victims of illegal aliens. It’s a big problem in our country, which the Mainstream Media does not publicize. )

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