Historically, Spain has a massive influence on Mexico: the language, the culture, the religion, and the demographics. It’s obvious.
But did you know it’s not all a one-way street? Contemporary Spain has also been influenced by Mexico.
My two sons and I, who lived many years in Mexico, recently visited Spain, and we saw these cultural links firsthand.
Note that during colonial times, the country of Spain was called “New Spain”, the term “Mexico” referred to Mexico City.)
To read the entire article, click here.
Article by Allan Wall, published May 23rd, 2023, on Mexico Daily Post.
Tags: AMLO, Bimbo Corporation, Corona Beer, Hernan Cortes, Hispanic Culture, La Mordida Restaurant Chain, Madrid, Marco Antonio Solis (el Buki), Medellin in Spain, Mexican Food, Nopal (prickly pear cactus), Seville, Soriana, Spain, Spanish Language