It’s 2021, and it’s the 400th anniversary of the First Thanksgiving at Plymouth Colony in 1621.
From 1621 to 2021 is four hundred years.
Happy Thanksgiving!
For the entire blog entry, click here.
Blog entry by Allan Wall, published November 24th, 2021, on the US Incorporated website.
Tags: American Indians, Bass, Cod, Deer, Edward Winslow, English Heritage, Fishing, Georgia, God, Hunting, I Thessalonians, Jamestown, Jesus Christ, Massachusetts, Massasoit, Mourt's Relation, Of Plimoth Plantation, Plymouth Colony, Samuel Eliot Morison, Thanksgiving, The Bible, The Psalms, Thirteen English Colonies, Tiurkey (Meleagris), Venison, Virginia, Wampanoag Indians, Water Fowl, William Bradford